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Grab a Drink and do Virtual Networking

Grab a Drink and do Virtual Networking

Dear Jenny,


Before COVID, I used to love going to networking events. I made connections that helped me land new jobs and made friends who I’m still close to today. Networking is really important and I feel so lost without it. How do I get out and network when I can’t actually get out and network?



Ready to Mingle

Dear Ready to Mingle, 


Remember when you could go out and drink from one of those tiny plastic cups and eat hors d’ oeuvres on toothpicks? Oh, how I miss the good old days. Networking was something I loved and I encouraged my clients to go out to events, too. So, the bad news is big events aren’t happening in ballrooms and hotels anymore. The good news is that they are still happening. You just have to provide your own drink and food… 


You’re Zoom-ed out, and trust me, I hear you. I’m tired of computer meetings, too, but this is the world we live in and it’s a safe and effective way to network. So, here is how to make the most out of virtual networking. 


First off, do your research and find the group that works for you. Do a quick google search for “[your industry] virtual network event” and boom! I promise you’ll get at least 10 viable options right there. You could also go to my favorite website to find virtual networking events right now, eventbrite:–networking/.


Pick and choose your events wisely and don’t overcommit and sign up for a bunch. Pick one or two, put them on your calendar and, here’s the key, actually show up. To incentivize yourself, make it special. Put on your favorite outfit, one you’d actually wear to a networking event, and make your favorite cocktail. When you reward yourself, you’ll actually look forward to attending. 


And here’s the secret to success for online networking: TURN ON YOUR CAMERA! I would scream this from a mountain-top. I don’t care if you are the only person with your camera on, it is the number one way to stand out and to be respectful to the event hosts. You wouldn’t walk into a networking event with a bag on your head, right? Don’t do that in a virtual setting.


My last tip is to go into this with the mindset that you could make genuine connections from the event. Be listening actively and keep the chat box open. Be ready to comment and engage with someone if they say something of interest to you. Be ready to share your contact info and connect outside of the event again. You never know what can happen until you try, so go in with a good attitude and make the best of what we’re living with. 

