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Your Employees Expect More

Your Employees Expect More

Dear Jenny,


What can our company do to keep our employees happy? We don’t just want a team that hits their goals; we want a team that loves working for us. I know there has been a big shift since the pandemic regarding what employees value. Can you provide some insight so we foster a really healthy work culture?


Teamwork Tina


Hey Tina,

I’m glad you’re considering workplace happiness as a metric for success. This movement has actually been coined The Great Reawakening. It’s such an undervalued factor in the modern office environment and I agree it’s really important to consider when taking care of your employees. I mean, it is proven that happy workers achieve better results right? And we know that the modern-day employee is not afraid to move on from a company. 

But how do we become those companies that foster healthy work culture, achieving both personal and company goals? Here are some helpful tips to keep your staff happy at work.


Give them a voice! Let your employees contribute to the direction of the company. Whether that means involving them in meetings or inviting them to have their say during staff meetings, letting team members share their ideas improves productivity and retention rates. Happy employees are more eager to contribute.

Hire people you like! It’s impossible to have a happy work environment if you don’t really care for the people who are filling it. Take your time when hiring new members of staff, make sure everyone is on board with the coaching mentality that fosters collaboration and healthy debate. Search for individuals that are both talented and personable, these are the kinds of people you can trust to contribute positively.

Measure what matters! If you only measure the hard results like sales or productivity then you’ll only get those results – it’s that simple. Look at your company culture and find out how to improve it with some smaller ideas; maybe employee feedback will show that your team isn’t as engaged with the company’s social media presence as they could be, or perhaps you can implement a quarterly Game of Thrones watching party to bring everyone together.

Do what works! Find out the root problems affecting your employees and fix them! Some people thrive on work-life balance, others need financial stability, some want to be the best in their fields, and others simply need to know they are making a difference. Find out what is most important to your employees instead of assuming you already know, it’s the only way to give them the kind of workplace that will keep them happy.

Remember, happy employees are productive employees. You don’t need to adjust your company’s goals in order to include keeping your staff happy, just focus on the factors that will improve their work experience and watch them blossom. As long as you can stay flexible and adapt to the needs of your company, you’ll be able to keep everyone working hard towards their personal and professional goals.

I hope this helped, good luck on your happiness quest!

